Rent Eddie: The Sleepwalking Cannibal (2011) starring Thure Lindhardt and Dylan Smith on DVD and Bluray. Get unlimited DVD Movies TV Shows delivered to your door with no late fees, ever. Watch videoArt is all about pushing boundaries and Eddie the Sleepwalking Cannibal puts that creativeness on the canvas. This coproduced CanadianDenmark indie production is a wellmade, quirky horror comedy with the blackest of dark humor. Eddie, un simple desprit dont les crises de somnambulisme se terminant en carnage, inspirent un artiste pour crer ses uvres. Ele ento se estabelece em uma pequena cidade e conhece Eddie, um rapaz que sofre de um estranha forma de sonambulismo que o transforma o dcil estudante de artes em um raivoso canibal sonmbulo ansioso por carne fresa. Lars Olafssen, once a young celebrity in the art world is slipping away fast into the land of hasbeens. His longtime art dealer, Ronny, is now an ungracefully. Eddie The Sleepwalking Cannibal 2012 Betritt die Vision fr. Horror Type Filme Ursprnglicher ist Name Eddie The Sleepwalking Cannibal. de Kaufen Sie Eddie The Sleepwalking Cannibal gnstig ein. Qualifizierte Bestellungen werden kostenlos geliefert. Sie finden Rezensionen und Details zu einer vielseitigen Bluray und DVDAuswahl neu und gebraucht. Watch Full movie Eddie: The Sleepwalking Cannibal (2012) Online Free. A oncefamous painter rediscovers inspiration when he befriends a sleepwalking cannibal stream movies Eddie: The Sleepwalking Cannibal est un film canadien ralis par Boris Rodriguez [1, sorti en 2012. Lars est un peintre danois en panne d'inspiration. Son manager l'envoie au fin fond du Canada pour enseigner l'art dans une cole afin qu'il retrouve sa crativit. With Eddie as his newfound friend and muse, Lars will discover that truly exceptional art comes at a very high price. With its unique blend of offbeat humor, twisted friendships, sweethearted romance, and the gory realities of sleepwalking cannibalism, Eddie is a fresh and funny horrorcomedy that pushes the boundaries of the genre. Movie: Eddie: The Sleepwalking Cannibal (2012) A painter struggling for inspiration finds an unexpected muse after he accepts a teaching position in a small town and becomes the caregiver to Eddie, a seemingly docile art student with a rare Download at Zooqle See contact information and details about Eddie the Sleepwalking Cannibal. Watch Eddie: The Sleepwalking Cannibal Lars Olafssen, once a young celebrity in the art world is slipping away fast into the land of hasbeens. His longtime art dealer, Ronny, is now an ungracefully aging hipster who desperately wants his meal ticket back. His creativity comes at too high a cost his inspiration is carnage blood, guts and limbs. Eddie: The Sleepwalking Cannibal Streaming: Eddie, un simple d\'esprit dont les crises de somnambulisme se terminant en carnage, inspirent un artiste pour crer ses? If you ask writerdirector Boris Rodriguez, he might tell you that death imitates art, or for that matter, art imitates death. Whatever his stance on this quizzical notion, one thing a tendencremains irrefutable fact: This specific ideology behind Eddie: The Sleepwalking Cannibal is perversely compelling, a disgusting piece of artwork [ Watch Eddie: The Sleepwalking Cannibal (2012) Free Online A oncefamous painter gets reenergized when he befriends a sleepwalking cannibal. Read the Eddie the Sleepwalking Cannibal movie synopsis, view the movie trailer, get cast and crew information, see movie photos, and more on Movies. Eddie: The Sleepwalking Cannibal is a fresh, clever satire about artistic inspiration that pushes boundaries with its unique blend of offbeat humor, twisted friendships, sweethearted romance, and the gory realities of sleepwalking cannibalism. Noch einmal: Eddie the Sleepwalking Cannibal ist kein richtiger Horror und ganz sicher kein SplatterFilm. Dennoch gibt es einige Szenen, die in diese Richtung gehen. Offenbar meint Rodriguez den Cannibal des Titels rechtfertigen zu mssen. Calling a movie Eddie: The Sleepwalking Cannibal seems like a blatant bid for cult status, subdivision Intentional Camp. Onscreen, however, Boris Rodriguezs debut feature is called simply Eddie (at least on the copy provided for review), and the movie itself, to its credit, reflects that more sedate approach. But there is in fact a sleepwalking cannibal; for those whose fondest wish is to. Eddie The Sleepwalking Cannibal ein Film von Boris Rodriguez mit Thure Lindhardt, Dylan Smith. Inhaltsangabe: Der einst in der Kunstszene als Wunderkind gefeierte Knstler Lars Olafsen (Thure. Watch Eddie: The Sleepwalking Cannibal Lars Olafssen, once a young celebrity in the art world is slipping away fast into the land of hasbeens. His longtime art dealer, Ronny, is now an ungracefully aging hipster who desperately wants his meal ticket back. His creativity comes at too high a cost his inspiration is carnage blood, guts and limbs. A struggling, uninspired artist (Thure Lindhardt) finds a new muse in the form of a brawny mute (Dylan Smith) who devours human flesh while sleepwalking. tainia Eddie: The Sleepwalking Cannibal (2012) online greek subs. Eddie: The Sleepwalking Cannibal (2012) online (Greek subs) Online Movies Star (Tainies. Eddie: The Sleepwalking Cannibal Streaming: Eddie, un simple d\'esprit dont les crises de somnambulisme se terminant en carnage, inspirent un artiste pour crer ses? Watch Eddie: The Sleepwalking Cannibal, Eddie: The Sleepwalking Cannibal Full free movie Online HD. Lars Olafssen, once a young celebrity in the art world is slipping away fast into the land of hasbeens. His longtime art dealer, Ronny, is now an Watch4HD. com Eddie: The Sleepwalking Cannibal A painter struggling for inspiration finds an unexpected muse after he accepts a teaching position in a small town and becomes the caregiver to Eddie, a seemingly docile art student with a rare sleepwalking condition. Eddie: The Sleepwalking Cannibal movie reviews Metacritic score: A oncefamous painter gets reenergized when he befriends a sleepwalking cannibal. Check out our review for Boris Rodriguez's new film Eddie: The Sleepwalking Cannibal. Eddie The Sleepwalking Cannibal (2012). Alle Infos zum Film Eddie: The Sleepwalking Cannibal (2011): Thure Lindhardt verschlgt es als kriselnder Knstler in die Einde Kanadas, wo er auf Eddie The Sleepwalking Eddie the Sleepwalking Cannibal is about a Danish artist who was forced to take care a mentally challenged man, it turns out the man is a sleep walking cannibal. However, the killings inspires the. Eddie: The Sleepwalking Cannibal Official Trailer# 1 (2012) HD Movie A oncefamous painter rediscovers inspiration when he befriends a sleepwalking cannibal. Category Eddie the Sleepwalking Cannibal. A film by Boris Rodriguez Vor nicht allzu langer Zeit wurde Maler Lars noch gefeiert. Jetzt flieht er vor der kreativen Blockade in die winterliche Provinz, um als Kleinstadtlehrer zu sich selbst zu finden. A oncefamous painter rediscovers inspiration when he befriends a sleepwalking cannibal. A painter struggling for inspiration finds an unexpected muse after he accepts a teaching position in a small town and becomes the caregiver to Eddie, a seemingly docile art student with a. Eddie: The Sleepwalking Cannibal A painter struggling for inspiration finds an unexpected muse after he accepts a teaching position in a small town and becomes the caregiver to Eddie, a seemingly docile art student with a rare sleepwalking condition. This feature is not available right now. Released on Bluray as Eddie: The Sleepwalking Cannibal, the title and marketing material alone should give you a good idea of what to expect from this CanadaDenmark coproduction. The horror genre has become pretty crowded the last few years with way too many remakes and sequels that never live up to the originality of vision or sociopolitical commentary that made revisiting such properties appealing in the first place. A blocked artist finds inspiration in the activities of a nocturnal killer in Boris Rodriguez's horror comedy. With both its premise and degree of cleverness pretty much summed up by its cult film. Eddie: The Sleepwalking Cannibal ('Eddie') is one of those rare, iconoclastic horror films that intellectually blends competent black humor with strong, emotionally endearing characters in the vein of Shaun of the Dead. Movie: Eddie: The Sleepwalking Cannibal (2012) A oncefamous painter rediscovers inspiration when he befriends a sleepwalking cannibal. Explore the most po Eddie, the Sleepwalking Cannibal Bluray (2011): Starring Thure Lindhardt, Dylan Smith (I) and Georgina Reilly. Lars Olafssen, once a young celebrity in the art world is slipping away fast into. The slaughter begins with a dead deer, but by the time Eddie: The Sleepwalking Cannibal skids to a close the body count will have crossed the species line several times over. Gore, though