GodHand Teru 0 released! You are now reading GodHand Teru 0 online. If you are bored from GodHand Teru manga, you can try surprise me link at top of page or select another manga like GodHand Teru 0 from our huge manga list. GodHand Teru (, Goddo Hando Teru) adalah sebuah serial manga Jepang yang ditulis dan digambar oleh Kazuki Yamamoto. Manga ini diserialisasikan di Weekly. Baca online komik GodHand Teru bahasa Indonesia lengkap hanya di SukaKomik. GodHand Teru ditulis oleh Yamamoto Kazuki dan diilustrasikan oleh Yamamoto Kazuki. Godhand Teru, Godhand Teru, Godhand Teru, Godhand Teru, Godhand Teru TH, Godhand Teru manga, Godhand Teru, Godhand Teru 1 2 3 Godhand. You could read the latest and hottest GodHand Teru 19 in MangaHere. Bn tay thn su Teru (tn gc: GodhandeTeru, , Goddo Hando Teru) hay Bn tay thn su l mt manga Nht do tc gi Yamamoto Kazuki sng tc. B phim c chuyn th thnh phim truyn hnh Nht Bn. Selamat membaca manga Godhand Teru Chapter 21 bahasa indonesia, jangan lupa mengklik tombol like dan share ya. Manga Godhand Teru bahasa Indonesia selalu update di lupa membaca update manga lainnya ya. Daftar koleksi manga Pecintakomik. As a result, Teru also aims to become a great surgeon like his father, devoted to never letting a patient die. As a clumsy newcomer at his hospital, he seems to be an unlikely savior. But whenever a patient's life is in danger, his true powers emerge in the form of his god hands, allowing him to successfully perform even the most difficult. Godhand Teru: Bn tay thn su y l i bn tay cc k tinh t ca mt bc s tr tn ty lp nn k t Mr Teru (aka Godhand Teru) is a doctor by profession, a talented one the manga follows his medical exploits Teru Mahigashi is a surgeon just out of medical school, and is hoping to make an impact in the medical world. Saving lives and helping people is the point of his chosen profession, and he seems pretty good at it, when he's not screwing up. Associated Names Description Teru Mahigashi is a surgeon just out of medical school. Saving lives and helping people is the point of his chosen profession, and he seems pretty good at it, when hes not screwing up. Script error GodHand Teru jakanji jaromaji Goddo Hando Teru genre Medical GodHand Teru type manga author Kazuki Yamamoto publisher Kodansha. As a result, Teru also aims to become a great surgeon like his father, devoted to never letting a patient die. As a clumsy newcomer at his hospital, he seems to be an unlikely savior. But whenever a patient's life is in danger, his true powers emerge in the form of his god hands, allowing him to successfully perform even the most difficult. Looking for information on the manga Godhand Teru? Find out more with MyAnimeList, the world's most active online anime and manga community and database. Teru Mahigashi is a surgeon just out of medical school. Saving lives and helping people is the point of his chosen profession, and he seems pretty good at it, when he's not screwing up. People wonder why he has decided to become a doctor. As a result, Teru also aims to become a great surgeon like his father, devoted to never letting a patient die. As a clumsy newcomer at his hospital, he seems to be an unlikely savior. But whenever a patient's life is in danger, his true powers emerge in the form of his god hands, allowing him to successfully perform even the most difficult. can anyone reupload Godhand Teru from vol 4? because the links for download already dead, so i really appreciate to anyone who can help me with reupload this manga Thanks . Read GodHand Teru Manga Online. Teru Mahigashi is a surgeon just out of medical school. Saving lives and helping people is the point of his chosen profession, and he. Read GodHand Teru manga chapters for free. You could read the latest and hottest GodHand Teru manga in MangaHere. Login to add items to your list, keep track of your progress, and rate series! Teru Mahigashi is a surgeon just out of medical school. Saving lives and helping people is the point of his chosen profession, and he seems pretty good at it, when he's not screwing up. People wonder why he has decided to become a doctor. jpmanga provide online reading of Manga GodHand Teru 19 and the first time update of GodHand Teru 20it also provides a intelligence and figure through information of GodHand Teru 20jpmanga is A comprehensive GodHand Teru Online Manga Manga reading web siteGodHand Teru Manga IntroduceMr Teru (aka Godhand Teru) is a doctor by professi 162 [Godhand Teru vol 162 162 [Godhand Teru vol 162 Associated names. The following Godhand Teru Episode 3 English SUB has been released. Dramacool will always be the first to have the episode so please Bookmark and add us on Facebook for update! Teru Mahigashi is a surgeon just out of medical school. Saving lives and helping people is the point of his chosen profession, and he seems pretty good at it, when he's not screwing up. People wonder why he has decided to become a doctor, when he is so clumsy, until his past starts reveal, and his ability to save lives becomes apparent with each operation The story revolves around a young man named Mahigashi Teru. When he was young, his father, a brilliant surgeon, died in an accident, but not before saving Te 0162 [GodHand Teru vol 0162: Title: 0162 [GodHand Teru vol 0162 RELATED NAMEINFO. rar fast and secure Teru Mahigashi is a young surgical doctor who has just completed his internship training. But when he takes up a post at the Yasuda Memorial Hospital, nicknamed Valhalla, he is branded a screwup. Until the day Teru finds himself the only surgeon available as a young criticallyinjured. GodHand Teru's wiki: GodHand Teru (, Goddo Hando Teru) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kazuki Yamamoto. The manga was serialized in Kodansha's Weekly Shnen Magazine, with the first chapter released in 2001, and the last chapter being serialized i Godhand Teru (Japan Drama); ; The story revolves around a young man named Mahigashi Teru. When he was young, his father, a brilliant surgeon. Godhand Teru, 340 2 GodHand Teru manga read GodHand Teru manga chapters for free, but no downloading GodHand Teru manga chapters required Read Chapter 13: Deadline GodHand Teru online at MangaKatana. Support Twopage view feature, allows you to load all the pages at the same time Read Chapter 10: It's Time! GodHand Teru online at MangaKatana. Support Twopage view feature, allows you to load all the pages at the same time GodHand Teru Year: 2001 Year. Publisher: Kodansha Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Comic Vine users. Ttulo: God Hand Teru Ttulo ingls: God Hand Teru Ttulo espaol: Teru Mano de dios Episodios: ' '6 Gnero: Drama Mdico Fantasa Cadena: TBS Emisin: 11Abr2009 a 16Mayo2009 Horario: Sbado 20: 00 Tema principal: Around the World Shonen por ONE OK ROCK Sinopsis. Teru es un joven cirujano que sufri de un grave accidente cuando chico y su padre al ver. GodHand Teru is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kazuki Yamamoto. The manga was serialized in Kodansha's Weekly Shnen Magazine, with the f Sinopsis Godhand Teru. Teru Mahigashi, seorang dokter muda yang sangat ceroboh, diterima di sebuah rumah sakit yang terkenal dengan dokterdokter hebat yang berbakat. The following Godhand Teru Episode 4 English SUB has been released. Dramacool will always be the first to have the episode so please Bookmark and add us on Facebook for update! Mr Teru (aka Godhand Teru) is a doctor by profession, a talented one the manga follows his medical exploits Teru Mahigashi is a surgeon just out of medical school, and is hoping to make an impact in the medical world. Saving lives and helping people is the point of his chosen profession, and he seems pretty good at it, when he's not screwing up. Teru Mahigashi is a surgeon just out of medical school. Saving lives and helping people is the point of his chosen profession, and he seems pretty good at it, when he\\\'s not screwing up. People wonder why he has decided to become a doctor, when he is so clumsy, until his past starts reveal, and his ability to save lives becomes apparent with each operation Dorama Godhand Teru 2009 sub espaol online gratis, ver Godhand Teru audio latino sin publicidad, Tambin conocido como: Teru Mano de dios sin anuncios, Ver Godhand Teru online gratis y Descargar Godhand Teru completo sin anuncios, estrenos doramas de genero: Drama, Fantasa, Medicina. 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