Definition of HOT in the Definitions. Information and translations of HOT in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. hot (Adjective) Sexual; involving sexual intercourse or sexual excitement. Definition of hot having a high degree of heat or a high temperature, (of food) containing or consisting of pungent spices or peppers which produce If i shld defined hot babes, i wl start by defining my girl friend(she hot die! ), Ciara, Rihanna and to an extent Yvolne nelson. Re: What Is Your Definition Of A Hot Lady? Hot definition is having a relatively high temperature. having a relatively high temperature; capable of giving a sensation of heat or of burning, searing, or scalding Sexy girls synonyms, Sexy girls pronunciation, Sexy girls translation, English dictionary definition of Sexy girls. sexual attraction attractiveness on the basis of sexual desire attractiveness, attraction the quality of arousing interest; being attractive or Girl definition, a female child, from birth to full growth. Girl definition is a female child from birth to adulthood. a female child from birth to adulthood; daughter; a young unmarried woman Girls: What's your definition of a hot guy? In terms of clothing and general looks. Update: Guys what is your definition of a hot girl? Girls, what is the exact definition of hot guy? is it the handsome face or toned body or what? This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of hot is. The slang word phrase acronym hot means. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Jump to navigation Jump to search. It was curled, frizzed, waved, put in curlers overnight, waved with hot tongs; That girl is hot! Sexual or sexy; involving sexual intercourse or sexual excitement. Christian Girls Guide for Managing Her Time Wisely. Just Because its Popular Doesnt Make it Right. Marriage Advice That You Dont Want to Miss. Join the GirlDefined Sisterhood to stay uptodate on the latest posts and resources. You'll also receive a free copy of our popular 30 day devotional. Best Answer: Hey, don't worry about it. You'll be hot to someone, especially if you stay a little fit. But worry more about your personality than your butt. And by that I mean, learn how to be comfortable with yourself. How to talk, what your opinions are. An extremly good looking women. Two kinds of hot girls: Good hot girl: A very kind, classy, open girl with a sweet smile who treats everybody equally as she would wish to be treated. She has a flawless and pretty face with a slender, fit physique, and is generally quite popular around her school, church, town, and with boys. Any girl that can turn my head or gain my attnetion jus by walking by is hot. I think any girl who tries (but no overdoes it) to be sexy and independent is hot in my. hot synonyms, hot pronunciation, hot translation, English dictionary definition of hot. Having or giving off heat; capable of burning. girl, woman Actually a nonderogatory slang term for the word girl. This word was probably a spanglish derivative from the spanish word chica meaning, of all things, girl. The term girl is widely heard in the lyrics of popular music (such as with the song About a Girl), most often meaning a young adult or teenaged female. Definition of girl a female child, a young or relatively young woman Its the girl you need to get to know, whose beauty becomes more defined with every conversation, every glance. Its a word that describes women who cant be classified as just hot. Hot definition, having or giving off heat; having a high temperature: a hot fire; hot coffee. I don't know because Im not a guy. But heres my opinion on HOW GUYS SHOULD ACTUALLY DEFINE A HOT GIRL FROM AN AVERAGE GIRL. Just because a girl is wearing clothes that show off her skin, the structured collarbones, the toned abs, the ass she earned from doing squats, the perfect 34A, super long legs, mini skirts, micro shorts, crop tops and bralettes, and all of the related, doesn't