Find great deals on eBay for just imagine stan lee. Stan Lee's Batman General Information Series: Just Imagine Contents[show Appearances [[Hollywood Individuals BatmanWayne Williams Reverend Dominic Darrk Frederick Grant Handz Horgum Ma Williams Nita Korgo Steamroller Sam Williams (mentioned only) Creatures Bat. A full character profile for the Flash (Mary Maxwell), from DC Comics' Imagine Stan Lee special series. Pictures, biography, powers, personality, etc. The entire JUST IMAGINE STAN LEE CREATING THE DC UNIVERSE event from 2001 is collected in hardcover for the first time! Dont miss Stan The Man Lees I'm probably the last person in the world to have seen this, but here's a remix of Watchmen in the style of Stan Lee. It 7 Appearances of Wayne Williams (Just Imagine) 17 Images featuring Wayne Williams (Just Imagine) 1 Quotations by or about Wayne Williams (Just Imagine) Stan Lee Chris Bachalo Dave Gibbons Gary Frank Jerry Ordway Jim Lee Joe Kubert John Buscema John Byrne John Cassaday Kevin Maguire Scott McDaniel. Just Imagine Stan Lee was a series of oneshot specials helmed by Marvel Comics pioneer Stan Lee. Stan teamed up with various DC inhouse creators to reimagine some of the company's most well. He was first alluded to as Stan the Salesman in the first episode and later appeared in a recurring role as Mayor Stan of Vista Verde. Stan Lee reprises his role as Fred's dad in Big Hero 6: The Series. Just Imagine Stan Lee creating: Aquaman (with Scott McDaniel) (2002) Batman (with Joe Kubert) (2001) Catwoman (with Chris Bachalo) (2002) Watch videoOn Biography. com, get the scoop on Stan Lee, the comicbook creator who came up with the likes of SpiderMan, the Fantastic Four and the XMen. Welcome to Atop the Fourth Wall, where bad comics burn. In this episode, Linkara concludes his look at Stan Lee's version of the DC Universe with a new origi Imagine being 67 and still acting like a spoiled brat SteamedHams. I know Stan Lee as well as one can, having not had daily contact with Stan. I have met his wife, who was a charming, lovely, and intelligent person. I have met his daughter only briefly when she worked as a receptionist at Marvel Comics. Originally posted at WilliamBruceWest. com With all the talk about Batman v Superman over the past few days, it reminded me that its nowhere near the worst story told featuring the Caped Crusader. No, that honor belongs to Just Imagine Stan Lees Batman, published in September 2001 making it the second worst thing to happen First Appearance: Just Imagine Stan Lees The Flash, 2001 College student Mary Maxwell devoured comic books, yearning for the adventurous life of a superhero instead of the dull daytoday routine with her workaholic scientist father. But I just didn't dig Just Imagine Stan Lee Creating the DC Universe. I offer this suggestion that you not buy the trades. But for fun, don't tell anyone else not to, so when they do, you can make fun of them. just imagine stan lee with joe kubert creating batman written by stan lee (lead story) and michael uslan (backup); art by joe kubert (lead) and michael wm. Entre los aos 2001 a 2003 realizo 12 especiales en los que reinterpreta a las leyendas de la Competencia de Marvel Comics: DC Comics. O sea, el gran creador de la mayora de los personajes del Universo Marvel pero creando a los personajes de DC Stan Lee, geboren als Stanley Martin Lieber (Manhattan, 28 december 1922) is een Amerikaans schrijver en stripauteur. Hij is In 2012 ontving hij van het Imagine Filmfestival de Career Achievement Award. Filmografie Cameo's in Marvelfilms Stan Lee (de. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Just Imagine Stan Lee's Batman at Amazon. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Stanley Martin Lieber, dit Stan Lee, n le 28 dcembre 1922 New York, est un scnariste et diteur amricain de comics. Il cocrit ainsi la collection Just Imagine pour DC Comics, rinventant le temps d'un album les hros de l'diteur concurrent principal de Marvel (Superman, Batman. Thats just what the attempt is in Just Imagine Stan Lees Crisis, and Ive reviewed it right here! I just had to show off the title page to this thing, which evokes the classic Silver and Bronze Age issues of Justice League of America: all the members heads lining either side of a splash page, names captioned below. Nel 2000, Stan Lee realizz il suo primo lavoro per la DC, lanciando la serie Just Imagine (in parte tradotta in italiano dalla Play Press), in cui reinventa numerosi supereroi DC, Stan Lee: And the Rise and Fall of the American Comic Book. Read Just imagine Stan Lee's Superman comic online free and high quality. Fast loading speed, unique reading type: All pages just need to scroll to read next page A description of tropes appearing in Just Imagine Stan Lee Creating the DC Universe. In 2001, Stan Lee was asked to rewrite the DC Universe from the. A full character profile for the version of Superman created by Stan Lee for DC Comics. Pictures, powers, biography, personality, quotes, etc. Read Just Imagine Stan Lee With Joe Kubert Creating Batman comic online free and high quality. Fast loading speed, unique reading type: All pages just need to scroll to read next page Na dcada de 2000, Stan Lee fez seu primeiro trabalho para a DC Comics, lanando a srie Just Imagine (Apenas Imagine), na qual Lee reimaginava vrios superheris incluindo Superman, Stan Lee apareceu como figurante nas cenas de muitos filmes de superheris. The series, titled 'Just Imagine presented the feature DC characters Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash with different backgrounds and stories, as Stan Lee would have written them. Despises the idea of sidekicks, which is why virtually none of the Marvel characters had them. Entre ellos, la serie de especiales Just Imagine Stan Lee de 2001 para DC Comics, la principal competidora de Marvel, donde recreaba a los principales personajes de su universo (Superman, Batman, Flash, entre otros). Imagine SpiderMan, Iron Man and the Incredible Hulk joining forces with Luke Skywalker, Rey and Chewbacca. It is a prospect being entertained by Stan Lee. Com vocs, Imagine (Just Imagine) de Stan Lee Capas Links Imagine Batman de Stan Lee Imagine Mulher Maravilha de Stan Lee Imagine SuperHomem de Stan Lee Imagine Lanterna Verde de Stan Lee Imagine Flash de Stan Lee Imagine Liga da Justia de Stan Lee Imagine Arquivos Secretos. Comics legend Stan Lee teams with fellow icon Joe Kubert to give a new spin to legendary DC character Batman. (Lee was the cocreator of such Marvel Comics as SpiderMan, Thor, The Hulk, etc. ) Buy Just Imagine Stan Lee's Batman by Stan Lee, Joe Kubert (ISBN: ) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Just Imagine has 62 ratings and 7 reviews. James said: This is a must read. A must read like Frank Millar's run on Batman All Star. This is some I'm What did you think of this series? For those of you that don't know Just Imagine was a series of comics where Stan Lee reinvented DC's most Just Imagine was a series of oneshot specials helmed by Marvel Comics pioneer Stan Lee. Stan teamed up with various DC inhouse Just Imagine Vol 1 DC Database FANDOM powered by Wikia Stan Lee poses during a store appearance to promote the release of the new DVD Stan Lee's Mutants, Monsters and Marvels. Stan Lee at the premiere of his new comic book project Just Imagine. Stan Lee and Ben Affleck at the premiere of Daredevil. Kittens Got Claws Written by: Stan Lee Art by: Chris Bachalo, Richard Friend, and Bill Oakley Cover Price: 5. 95 Release Date: July 2002 Continuing on with. Just imagine Stan Lee's Sandman: dessins de Walter Simonson. Just imagine Stan Lee's Secret Files and Origins; Just imagine Stan Lee's Shazam! Just imagine Stan Lee's Superman: dessins de John Buscema. Just imagine Stan Lee's Wonder Woman: dessins de Jim Lee. Just Imagine Stan Lee# 0113 Complete and Marvel comics, DC comics, Image Comics, IDW Publishing, Dark Horse comics, Valiant Universe comics. Characters: Batman [Wayne Williams Indexer Notes. Illustration using character from Just Imagine Stan Lee With Joe Kubert Creating Batman (DC, 2001 Series)# [nn, page 32. Just Imagine Stan Lee (Collection) FREE Download. Get FREE DC and Marvel Comic Download only on GetComics Find great deals on eBay for just imagine stan lee's. After Just Imagine Stan Lee Creating the DC Universe month, I was uploading on youtube with new episodes. Videos will continue to update daily, its just theyll officially be released. Just Imagine Stan Lees Shazam (by Stan Lee, Gary Frank and Sandra Hope) is a bizarre comic book that struggles to juggle elements of fantasy and humor against a Saturday morning cartoonlevel plot. Comics legend Stan Lee teams with fellow icon Joe Kubert to give a new spin to legendary DC character Batman. (Lee was the cocreator of such Marvel Comics as SpiderMan, Thor, The Hulk, etc. ) This is Stan's first attempt at doing DC characters, and the result is. 2001 arbeitete Lee erstmals fr DC Comics. Er schuf die Serie Just Imagine Stan Lee creating. in Just Imagine Stan Lee Creating the DC Universe Omnibus (DC, 2013 series) ([December 2013) Robin (Table of Contents: 10) Robin character profile 1 page (report information) Just Imagine Stan Lee With Dave Gibbons Creating Green Lantern (2001)# 1 Just Imagine Stan Lee With Jim Lee Creating Wonder Woman (2001)# 1 Just Imagine Stan Lee With Joe Kubert Creating Batman (2001)# 1 Just Imagine Stan Lee With John Buscema Creating Superman (2001)# 1